24th-26th March 2022 Beckmans College of Design Stockholm, Sweden
The next iteration of the Post Design Festival unfolds across four chapters taking place between Spring 2022 to Autumn 2023. By going deep into the theme of “entanglement,” we’ll unravel the intersections, interconnections, and invisible strings that give shape to our visual and political surroundings. Alongside Beckmans, in Chapter 1 we aim to start by working and thinking through the premise of practices of entanglement.
Design is never neutral: Methods, tools, education, and creative practices are enmeshed with politics, ideology, and an interconnection of histories. What does it mean to take those knots seriously, and what can we learn from practitioners tangled up in disciplines?
We hope to explore this across 3 days and a mix of workshop, exhibition, panel and presentation formats, alongside international and local speakers, students, organizers and teachers. Digital participation will center around streaming of speaker presentations, workshop exhibits and collective documentation — preserving our trajectory of entanglement towards the next chapter.
w/ Nejc Prah
w/ Nejc Prah
Nejc Prah
BA Students
w/ Nejc Prah
w/ Nejc Prah
Nejc Prah
BA Students

Nejc Prah
Nejc Prah is a Slovenian designer. He works with a wide range of clients, occasionally teaches at the Academy in Ljubljana and often gives workshops and lectures in various institutions around the world. He collaborates with Ansambel, a network of designers, illustrators, animators and photographers, which enables him to scale up the studio when needed. Nejc worked as an art director at Bloomberg Businessweek in New York before starting his own studio in Ljubljana in 2019. He earned an MFA from Yale School of Art in 2015. (Photography by Klemen Ilovar).

Yehwan Song
Yehwan Song is Korean graphic designer, web designer, and web developer. She designs and develops experimental websites and interactive graphics generated from sets of rules instead of static templates and conventions. She constructs outside-the-frame devices and interfaces in order to challenge the notion of user-friendliness. She pursues diversity instead of consistency and respects variety in the web environment above efficiency.

Matilda Tjäder
Matilda Tjäder is an artist building fictional worlds via text, sound, performance and moving image. In her work she develops experimental environments where the familiar interfaces with the unknown, the individual with the collective, and memories with the absence of sentience. By plugging into existing infrastructures she takes great pleasure in revising their invisible protocols and designs via storytelling, ambient installations and absurd scenarios.

Elias Hanzer
Elias Hanzer is a type and graphic designer, based in Berlin, Germany. In addition to his own practice drawing and researching typefaces, he runs Hanzer Liccini, a studio for graphic design and typography with Lucas Liccini since 2018. He is also a longtime collaborator of Dinamo Typefaces, which has released his typeface ABC Arizona in 2021.
Beckmans College of Design in the heart of Stockholm is devoted to promoting the knowledge that is associated with praxis-based design on an artistic foundation by practice, research and questioning.
Room XX/Lecture Theatre YY Beckmans College of Design Brahegatan 10, 114 37 Stockholm, Sweden
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Buy a ticket here to attend the symposium in Stockholm or through online streaming.
This event will take place in line with local restrictions in Sweden, which can be found here. In addition we encourage all participants to wash hands regularly, test regularly if possible and generally be mindful and respectful of each other’s circumstances.